On October 5 and 6, Ukrainian and Lithuanian architects and educators, representatives of government agencies and NGOs met in Vilnius to launch the «School of the Future for Ukraine» project. During the two-day workshop in Vilnius, participants discussed architectural, educational, social, environmental, and economic aspects of the concept of a new Ukrainian school. This joint study will serve as the basis for determining the criteria necessary for the implementation of the future technical design of a typical school.

We were grateful for the opportunity to join the discussion! Viktorija Blažienė, Head of the Architecture Department of the Bucha School, shared her experience of actively involving key users, including students, teachers, and parents, in the planning and construction of schools.

The «School of the Future for Ukraine» project, initiated by the Lithuanian government, aims to reconstruct Ukraine's educational infrastructure. The program aims to develop a standard technical school design that will save time and money on construction while creating an innovative learning environment.

Link to the article on a lietuva.lt: link.